practicing the movement direction with the models before filming

the dancers and I practicing while filming on the green screen

stil image after being edited on premiere pro

BTS photo (35mm) took by me while Alex was filming

final still after being edited on the green screen

scene filmed with a drone

Wednesday 26 Feb , Film day in the film studio 10 To 1 pm, - GREEN SCREEN

Wednesday 26 Feb , Film day in the film studio - GREEN SCREEN

On Wednesday, it was our first shoot day, The three models arrived at 10 am, two dancers from LSC and Sumika, my classmate in PDP. We managed to put all the tires in the studio that were in the mezzanine. The two cinematographer Agnes and Alex arrived with the black magic camera and Omar and I had the rest of the material with us. 

This day was dedicated as a test shoot session, testing some poses with the tires and models, knowing what can work and what won't work. this day was important for us, it was like a rehearsal day, we knew that on Thursday with the 10 models we wouldn't be able to do it. 

We had many ideas to try out from still images shots  on the green screen, with the editing we would replace the green screen with the colour palette we chose, by creating a pink, yellow, purple and blue background. 

We also wanted to try to create this transition with the editing for the opening scenes of the film by letting the camera going inside the tire to pass through another tire, this will lead to the next scene. 

Thursday 27 Feb, 6 to 9pm Film day in the WHITE LAB

final sills from the film